These tutorials can help you get started developing different kinds of applications on Tezos in as little as 15 minutes.
These tutorials are intended for developers who are starting work with Tezos:
Create a minimum dApp
Create your minimum dApp from the smart contract to the frontend, using Typescript React and Typescript-like JsLIGO language
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Deploy a smart contract
In 15 minutes, go from zero to hero and deploy your first smart contract with your choice of JavaScript, OCaml, or Python-like languages
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Mint NFTs from a web app
Create a web app that uses an existing contract to create NFTs
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These tutorials contain multiple parts and are intended for developers with some application development experience:
Learn about tickets
Learn about a Tezos unique feature named Tickets, using Typescript React and Typescript-like JsLIGO language
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Build your first app on Tezos
Learn how to set up and create a decentralized web application on Tezos using TypeScript, Taquito, and Svelte
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Create a contract and web app that mints NFTs
Create your own NFTs with contracts and web applications
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Create an NFT from the command line
Learn about NFTs and how to create them from files on your computer
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These tutorials are intended for developers who are familiar with Tezos and want to get into more powerful applications:
Upgrade your smart contract
Learn the different ways of upgrading your smart contract, using Typescript React and Typescript-like JsLIGO language
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Build an NFT marketplace
Learn how to build a marketplace to buy and sell different kinds of tokens with LIGO smart contract templates
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Deploy a smart rollup
Learn how to deploy a smart rollup to handle large amounts of processing off the main chain
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